
Happy New Year !!

As we begin a new calendar year, we are preparing to close out the second quarter of our school year, which means we are nearly midway through the year! The next few months bring lots of opportunities for you to see and hear our students in action.

We've celebrated some amazing moments in the fall- from increasing our state report card scores to getting a Little Free library, hosting our 2nd annual Pie Run and putting on our extraordinary musical- among many other academic, athletic and artistic events and achievements. Additionally, in 2 months, we have collected the most food waste of any BCPS school when it comes to composting!

We like to also take an opportunity to reset expectations and ensure students are focused on learning. Please remind your students to come to school prepared, with charged devices. This would be a great time to purchase and sharpen a few more pencils (we always appreciate pencil donations here, too). Remind students that airpods, headphones and phones are not allowed during instruction or hall changes.

Pie Run

Thank you to all who donated pies and gift cards and who helped at the event!

Thank you for making the holiday season special!

We are so grateful for our partnership with parents and the community.

Treating the teachers

Thank you to those who donated and worked to deliver goodies to our teachers!

We are so grateful for our PTSA and for parent donations and help with supporting our students. We continue to host Roar Rallies (we have one later this month) - where we celebrate our students' attendance, achievement and growth- and have time together to have some fun. We will send out more ways you can help soon!


January 8th - 8th grade concert

January 9th - BCPS Blue day, Basketball vs. Stricker at DMS-Boys 4pm, Girls 5pm

January 15 - 7th grade concert

January 17 - Snow Ball (winter dance) 6 - 8 pm - more info

January 20- No school, MLK day

January 22 - 6th grade concert

January 23rd - Basketball vs. Loch Raven at DMS-Girls 4pm, Boys 5pm

January 24- 2nd marking period ends - schools close 3 hours early

January 28th - Basketball vs. Pine Grove at DMS-Boys 4pm, Girls 5pm

January 29th- No school for students, systemwide professional development day

February 6th - Report cards posted in Focus,Basketball vs. Sparrows Point at DMS-Girls 4pm, Boys 5pm

*** Only for Virtual Snow Days *** 
Snow Day

Dumbarton Middle Administration

Mandy Shanks, Principal
[email protected]

Matthew Rosati, AP (8th Grade)
 [email protected]

Amy Beale AP (7th Grade)
[email protected]

Kayla Denmyer, AP(6th Grade)
[email protected]

School Phone Number
To provide emerging leaders a variety of experiences, Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS), as part of the Principal Internship Program (PIP), places current PIP participants as principal interns into various schools across BCPS to broaden their experience. The experience is a four-week intensive internship consisting of a shadow and independent principal experience.

For the month of January, Ms. Denmyer, grade six assistant principal, will be interning at Owings Mills Elementary to lead their school community. Ms. Denmyer will be a regular member of their team from January 6 through January 31. In her absence at Dumbarton, her duties will be covered by Mr. Jay Ward, retired BCPS principal. His e-mail is [email protected].

This is an excellent opportunity for Ms. Denmyer and we look forward to her return to DMS.
Please join me in wishing Ms. Denmyer best wishes on her internship experience. 

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